大家好,好久不见。最近中国在播出《舌尖上的中国》,是记录中国各地美食生态的纪录片,大家都在看。“通过中华美食的多个侧面,来展现食物给中国人生活带来的仪式、伦理等方面的文化;见识中国特色食材以及与食物相关、构成中国美食特有气质的一系列元素;了解中国饮食文化的精致和源远流长。” 不知道《舌尖上的中国》在日本有没有高人气呢?
我觉得很关键的一点是,城市里的女生不会做菜(至少我认识的朋友中很少会做),我也不会做菜。可能因为在结婚前大家都习惯由父母照顾,而且结婚前大都和父母居住在一起,婚后才开始慢慢学习做菜,我妈妈也是这样的情况。但是感觉日本女生都很会做料理,会为自己心爱的人做很漂亮的料理,婚后的妈妈们为孩子们做很可爱的盒饭。我觉得作为女生不会做菜很惭愧… 所以我打算学习做菜…
China is broadcasting<A bite of China>recently, which is a document recording delicious food and modes of life all over China. The document is really hot in China now. ‘It shows different cultures about ceremonies and ethics caused by different food through many dimensions of Chinese food. And it also shows food peculiar to China and many different elements related of food which contributes to the unique characters of Chinese people. It helps to get people to know the long history and exquisiteness of Chinese food.’ I am wondering whether ‘A bite of China>also own such high popularity in Japan?
I am deeply touched while watching the document, the same as other people. Because I feel that the food doesn’t come easy, seeing those hard-working people makes me think that it’s a long and magic process from seeding to harvest and then end on the dinner table. It also embodies our long history and witness. The documentary reflects some Chinese social problems, too. The agriculture population takes more than half of the whole population, but the average income of engaging in farming is pretty low. Many adults choose to work in cities which result to the social problem of left-behind children (they growing up in rural areas taken care by their grandparents instead of parents). Countryman’s happiness is simple and natural. In contrary, citizens take education, work, and achievement too seriously. We always put money on the highest list of propriety. I think people in big cities in China lack love, the love towards nature, food, neighbors, relatives and spouses. Everyone seems to be too busy to concern love.
I know that most Japanese would plan vegetables on you own which I think it’s really nice to do so. It makes us closer to nature and also relieves stress and helps find inner peace, but we rarely have that hobby. I think if we stop keeping using digital products in our rest time will make us more relaxed.
One point is,girls in big cities can’t cook (at least most girls I know can’t), and neither can i… It probably because we are taken care of by parents until we get married ,and most of us live with parents before marriage. We start to learn to cook gradually after we step into marriage which the same case with my mom. I feel that Japanese girls are really good at cook. They make beautiful food for their beloved ones and mothers make lovely lunchbox for their children. I feel a little bit ashamed that I can’t cook…..so I propose to learn it….
It is labor day, hope you guys have a nice holiday~~~