大家好,初次和大家交流. 我是博客管理员Ellie,也是实习生,在上海对外经贸大学的资产评估专业读二年级. 我很高兴能在这里分享一些中国的事和中国人对日本与日本人的一些看法.
我在大学学习了中国近代史纲要,读了本尼迪克特编著的《菊与刀》,在高中也学习了历史.在一年前认识了Hori先生 ^ ^ ,因此我对日本比一般的中国人多一些了解.
在 中国,很多人爱好并追逐的日本的流行文化,日系妆容和服装很受年轻女性的喜爱,男生们也会追日本的热血漫画,<<多啦A梦>> <<灌篮高手>><<美少女战士>>等动画是很多80后,90后的童年回忆.但是提到日本,抛开流行文 化,一些事件一直是中国的敏感话题,例如近两年的钓鱼岛领土主权问题,日本的官员参拜靖国神社和日本教科书对日本近代史对中国人民的暴行加以粉饰等等,都 让中国人对日本有负面的印象.
在古代中国,日本曾与中国有过密切的交往,特别是在强盛的唐朝,日本派遣遣唐使来中国学习,因此日本有许多关于中国政治,历史,哲学的典籍.<<论语>> <<孙子兵法>>至今都被日本学习,中国人却不甚了解日本.
从 我的角度来看,那些政治问题与我的生活没有太大影响,而且也不是普通公民能够左右的事情.在我的印象里,日本人是非常友善,可靠,可信赖的,严谨,礼貌, 打扮得体,遵守规则,保护儿童到一种过分的程度的民族.日本的电子产品电器和汽车,例如SONY, PANASONIC,CANON, MITSUBISHI,TOYOTA都是品质的代表.我认为日本虽然领土很小,但是却充满了对世界的影响力!
我会每三周更新一次blog,希望你们喜欢阅读我的blog . ^ ^
Hello, everyone. I am blog administrator Ellie and also act as an intern here. I am studying Capital Assessment at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) as a sophomore. I feel glad to share some stuff about China and some views that Chinese hold to Japan and Japanese.
During my study in university, I have learned the course named ‘Concise Outline of Chinese Modern History’, read the book ‘The Chrysanthemum and the Sword’ written by Ruth Benedict. I have also studied history in senior high school. I met Mr. Hori one year ago ^ ^ so that I know Japan better than ordinary Chinese.
In China, Japanese pop culture is very popular and pursued by many people. Japanese make-up and costumes are well favoured by young Chinese girls while boys love watching exciting anime. DORAEMON, Sailor Moon, SLAM DUNK have engraved in the childhood memories of generation after 80s and 90s. Meanwhile, mentioned Japan, let alone pop culture, some events have always been the sensitive topics of China. Such as the territorial sovereignty of Senkaku Islands, Japanese officials paying tributes to the Yasukuni Shrine and Japanese masking about the atrocities it committed to China during the modern history in textbooks provokes the negative impression to Chinese.
Nowadays, in many Chinese TV plays and movies about anti-Japanese war, Japanese soldiers often appear to be stupid defeated by courageous and witty Chinese soldiers, which I don’t think is objective. I think we shall respect our enemies but not illy define them to show our powers.
In ancient China, we had a close association with Japan, especially in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Japan used to send envoys to study Chinese culture, as a result, they have many books and records about ancient china’s politics, history and philosophy. The Analects of Confucius and Sun Tzu’s Art Of War are still being learned by Japanese while we don’t know Japan well.
In my perspective, there are some ways that china shall learn from Japan. For example, Japanese wear kimonos in some festivals as a tradition. We also have extremely beautiful traditional clothes but we haven’t the custom to wear them. What a pity! ( I found a hobby group about Han-Dynasty costumes recently which is very exciting!)
From my views, those political problems have no big issues with my life, and it is also not a thing that could be controlled by an ordinary citizen. Japanese appear to be very friendly, reliable, trustful, rigorous, polite, decently dressed, quite strict to the rules and almost have an obsessive protection to kids in my mind. Japanese digital and electronic products, cars such as SONY, PANASONIC,CANON, MITSUBISHI,TOYOTA are well known in excellent quality. I think though Japan has a rather small territory but it has giant influence to the world!
During the great earthquake in east Japan, Japanese politely waited in long lines without once complaining which showed extreme calmness and cohesiveness made me admire greatly to the country!
I will update the blog every three weeks. Hope you enjoy my blog. ^ ^