
最近寄生兽被改编成动画了,电影也即将上映~ 我和大学的室友是寄生兽的粉丝~ O(∩_∩)O 我们会在寄生兽动画更新的时候一起看,一边看一边说“泉新一(男主角)好帅!”


我完全的被这部动画吸引了,被米奇弥补过心脏之后的泉新一是我的偶像。和米奇进一步融合后的新一不仅体质和反应能力上得到了飞跃,想法也有了很大的改变。新一变得非常理性,缺少情感波动,和从外星球来的米奇变得相似了。场景一:对于母亲死后家里缺少人打理而向父亲提出雇佣保姆。场景二:猫咪死后不是选择埋葬而是直接丢入垃圾桶,说着“死后的猫只是猫形状的肉块”的恐怖的话。场景三:在走廊看到被米奇同类杀死的一众同学后,情绪失控了一会,后因为安全而选择踏过尸横遍野的走廊。。。 我不是想要变成这样冷血啦。。。但是这样理性的思维模式让我有了些想法,生活里时常会有令人受挫的事吧,比这些事影响更严重的是心情变糟了,由心情变糟对解决事情是没有帮助的,但这种感觉却会持续很久,影响到其他的事,这是人的非理性。人的非理性造成的麻烦有很多啊,譬如拖延——明知还是要完成却一定要留到最后时刻;购买不需要的折价商品——结果根本不会使用且占用空间;失恋后人们伤害自己的表现等等。像米奇一样只凭理性办事会增加很多效率啊,心也不容易受伤了。呵呵,这只是我在胡思乱想吧 ^ ^


Recently, Parasyte is adapted into animation meanwhile the film is going to be released soon. My college roommates and I are big fans of it. O(∩_∩)O We watch it together when the animation is updated. We were watching while saying: ‘泉新一is so cool!’ ‘I want a MiGiiiiii too!’

I am totally attracted by the animation. 新一became my idol after his heart was mended by MiGiiiiii. His constitution and reaction capacity was incredibly improved. At the same time,新一’s thinking model had been changed. He becomes so rational and lacks emotion. Story 1:The house lacks cares after 新一’s mother was killed as a result he asked  his father to hire a nanny. Story 2: He threw away a dead cat into a garbage bin saying:‘The cat is just a hunk of meat after it has died.’ Story 3:新一 had been highly emotional for a second after seeing the school aisle was strewn with dead bodies of his high school mates and then he chose to walk through the aisle for security. I don’t mean I wanna be this cold-blooded..but it does arouse my thoughts. We often meet some bumps in life. What affects our life more is not the bumps but the mood. We turn sad, angry or self-abased when we are in rocky places which does no help but harm. People’s irrationality resulted in much troubles such as procrastination—we know that we have to do but still choose to postpone it to the deadline; Impulse buying—purchase the commodity which is on special offer but put it on the shelf later; The behaviors of hurting oneself after we lose our lovers etc. Dealing with things by MiGiiiiii’s style would be so effective and ours hearts are not easy to be hurt. Above is just my random thoughts..LOL..